时间👸🏿😓:11月15日 10:00-11:30
主讲人🩶🕗:David Shum 教授
主讲人简介⚇:David Shum教授,一位拥有三十多年资深经验的神经心理学家,曾任澳州格里菲斯大学健康医意昂4院长(研究)六年👩🏽🔬。他现为香港理工大学医疗及社会科意昂4院长及复康治疗学系神经心理学讲座教授🤛🏽。 2015 和 2017年👨🌾,任命为中国科意昂4心理研究所心理健康重点实验室名誉学术顾问和特聘客座研究员👙。他的研究专于脑损伤🌃🍸、认知障碍与康复,并为患者提供神经心理治疗。共发表250多篇期刊论文🎠。他也是国际期刊的编辑委员,如Neuropsychological Rehabilitation和PsyChJournal。
报告内容简介:Prospective memory (PM), or remembering to do things in the future, is a comparatively new memory construct. However, because of its importance for everyday independent functioning, it has attracted much attention from researchers and clinicians in recent years. PM impairment, or the inability to remember to fulfill delayed intentions, is a very common problem that has been reported in many clinical populations, including traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, Parkinson’s disease, affective disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, and multiple sclerosis. PM failures have been shown to cause more stress and concerns than retrospective memory failures (or the problem of recalling past information) and have a greater impact on the lives of careers. This presentation will discuss how PM problems are assessed, explained, and treated. It will also cover the latest research in different clinical population.