




  • 部门Ⓜ️👨🏽‍🚀: 意昂4官方娱乐
  • 毕业院校: 法国里昂二大
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 博士
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1998 – 2002 生物技术学士🧡,上海交通大学

2004 – 2005 认知科学硕士,法国里昂第二大学

2005 – 2009 认知科学博士🕍,法国里昂大学神经与认知科学研究生院(里昂第二大学)


2021 –            意昂4娱乐6️⃣,儿童脑成像中心主任

2019 –            华师大脑科学与教育创新研究院教授/科研副院长

2017 –            意昂4,教授/紫江青年学者

2014 –            上海纽约大学-意昂4娱乐脑与认知科学研究所,研究成员

2012 – 2017   意昂4🐯🕟,副教授

2011 – 2012   法国国立健康与医学研究院神经影像学研究中心🪹,博士后

2009 – 2011   比利时根特大学实验心理学系👩🏼‍🎓,博士后   



主要关注语言和高级认知能力发展,包括语言在不多层面上的神经机制、个体差异以及儿童的语言-认知习得过程👨‍👩‍👦,以及与神经影像学🧺、语言学、人工智能的跨领域研究。目前担任中国心理学会语言心理学专业委员会副主任,中国神经科学学会认知神经分委会委员👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨,Frontiers in Langauge Sciences专业主编, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience🗃、Frontiers in Psychology期刊副主编。 


02 语言与发展(认知神经科学)

15 脑功能成像与认知老化🖕🏻⏰、大脑可塑性



Frontiers in Language Science 专业主编 (specialty editor-in-chief)






语义加工🙋‍♂️:认知神经科学 X 人工智能(NLP);




02 语言与发展(认知神经科学)

15 脑功能成像与认知老化🤱、大脑可塑性














2021 – 2026  主持“中国学龄儿童脑智力发育队列研究-意昂4娱乐队列建设” (科技创新2030 --“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目课题) 

2020 – 2023  主持 “基于词汇语义网络的语义表征与语义整合的认知神经机制研究”(国家自然科学基金面上项目) 

2019 – 2022  参与“儿童青少年脑智发育机制研究” ,脑成像子项目(上海市科委基础研究项目) 

2018 – 2021  主持“非语言优势半脑在语言系统中的作用及其机制”(国家自然科学基金面上项目) 

2017 – 2019  主持“脑疾病及脑网络的跨学科研究”(上海市科委基础研究项目) 

2017 – 2019  主持“Semantic Representation in Cognitive Neuroscience and Computer Science”(上海纽约大学JRI 合作研究项目) 2015 – 2017  主持“序列加工机制对语言偏侧化的影响及其领域特殊性研究”(国家自然科学基金青年项目) 

2014 – 2016  主持“利手与语言优势半脑的关系以及社会文化因素对其影响” (上海市科委浦江人才计划)


Wang, J., Lin, H., Cai, Q*. (in press) Grammar represents meanings by language-specific neural spatial patterns and language-general similarity patterns. Journal of Neuroscience.


Zhang, R., Wang, J., Lin, H., Turk-Browne, N.B., Cai, Q*. (2023) Neural signatures of second language proficiency in narrative processing. Cerebral Cortex. 33(13):8477-8484. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhad133


Li, L., Zhao, W. T., Song, M., Wang, J., Cai, Q.* (2023) CCLOOW: Chinese children’s lexicon of oral words. Behavior Research Methodsdoi: 10.3758/s13428-023-02077-6.


Jiang, L., Zhang, R., Tao, L., Zhang, Y., Zhou, Y., Cai, Q*.(2023) Neural mechanisms of musical syntax and tonality, and the effect of musicianship. Frontiers in Psychology.doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1092051.


Li, L., Yang, Y., Song, M., Fang, S., Zhang, M., Chen, Q., Cai, Q*(2023). CCLOWW: A grade-level Chinese children’s lexicon of written words. Behavior Research Methods. 55(4):1874-1889. doi: 10.3758/s13428-022-01890-9.

Zhou, N., Huang, C.M., Cai, Q., Tzeng, O.J.L, Huang, H.W. (2022) The effects of aging and perceived loneliness on lexical ambiguity resolution. Front Psychol. 2022 Oct 20;13:978616. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.978616.

Feng, J., Mak, H.Y., Wang, J., & Cai, Q* (2022).  How characters are learned leaves its mark on the neural substrates of Chinese reading. eNeuro 9 (6).


Tao, L., Wang, G., Zhu, M., & Cai, Q*. (2021). Bilingualism and domain-general cognitive functions from a neural perspective: A systematic review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 125, 264-295.


Tao, L., Cai, Q.* and Gollan, T. (2021) Effects of Cumulative Language Exposure on Heritage and Majority Language Skills: Spanish and Mandarin Heritage Speakers in the USA. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism. 11(2): 168-191. 


Zhou, D., Cai, Q., Luo, J., Yi, Z., Li, Y., Seger, C.A., Chen, Q. (2021) The neural mechanism of spatial-positional association in working memory: A fMRI study. Brain and Cognition. 152,105756.


Yin, D., Wang, X., Zhang, X., Yu, Q., Wei, Y., Cai, Q., Fan, M., Li, L. (2021). Dissociable plasticity of visual-motor system in functional specialization and flexibility in expert table tennis players. Brain Structure & Function. 226(6): 1973-1990.


Zhu, Y., Liu, L., Yang, D., Ji, H., Huang, T., Xue, L., Jiang, X., Li, K., Tao, L., Cai, Q., Fang, Y. (2021). Cognitive control and emotional response in attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder comorbidity with disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1): 232.


Yang, J., Cai, Q.*, Tian, X.* (2020) How do we segment text? Two-stage chunking operation in reading. eNeuro. 7(3) ENEURO.0425-19.


Tao, L., Zhu, M., Cai, Q.* (2020) Neural substrates of Chinese lexical production: The role of domain-general cognitive functions. Neuropsychologia. 138: 107354


Mei, N., Flinker, A., Zhu, M., Cai, Q., Tian, X. (2020) Lateralization in the dichotic listening of tones is influenced by the content of speech. Neuropsychologia. 140:107389


Teng, X., Ma, M., Yang, J., Blohm, S., Cai, Q., Tian, X. (2020) Constraint Structure of Ancient Chinese Poetry Facilitates Speech Content Grouping. Current Biology. 30(7): 1299-1305.


Zhu, Y., Ji, H., Tao, L., Cai, Q., Wang, F., Ji, W., Li, G., Fang, Y. (2020) Functional status of hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axes in hospitalized schizophrenics in Shanghai. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 11:65


Van der Haegen, L., Cai, Q. (2019) Lateralization of Language. In G. Zubicaray et al. (Eds.): Oxford Handbook of Neurolinguistics. UK: Oxford University Press.


Tao, L., Cai, Q.* and Gollan, T. (2019) Effects of Cumulative Language Exposure on Heritage and Majority Language Skills: Spanish and Mandarin Heritage Speakers in the USA. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism.   https://doi.org/10.1075/lab.18044.tao


Wulff, D.U., De Deyne, S., Jones, M.N., Mata, R., Austerweil, J.L., Baayen, R.H., Balota, D.A., Baronchelli, A., Brysbaert, M., Cai, Q., Dennis, S., Hills, T.T., Kenett, Y.N., Keuleers, E., Marelli, M., Pakhomov, S.V., Ramscar, M., Schooler, L.J., Shing, Y.L., da Souza, A.S., Siew, C.S.Q., Storms, G., Veríssimo, J. (2019) New Perspectives on the Aging Lexicon. Trends Cogn Sci. 23(8): 686-698.


Wang, S., Van der Haegen, L., Tao, L., Cai, Q.* (2019) Brain functional organization associated with language lateralization. Cereb Cort. 19(10): 4312-4320.


Tao, L., Cai, Q.* (2018) Effects of early home language environment II: speech comprehension and cognitive functions. Biling: Lang Cogn. 21(3); 537-549.


Hu, Y., Pan, Y., Shi, X., Cai, Q., Li, X., Cheng, X. (2018) Inter-brain synchrony and cooperation context in interactive decision making. Biol Psychol. 133: 54-62.


Wei, X., Yin, Y., Rong, M., Zhang, J., Wang, L., Wu, Y., Cai, Q., Yu, C., Wang, J., Jiang T. (2017). Paracingulate Sulcus Asymmetry in the Human Brain: Effects of Sex, Handedness, and Race. Sci Rep 7:42033.


Van der Haegen, L., Acke, F., Vingerhoets, G., Dhooge, I., De Leenheer, E., Cai, Q.*, Brysbaert, M. (2016). Laterality and unilateral deafness: Patients with congenital right ear deafness do not develop atypical language dominance. Neuropsychologia. 93 (Pt.B): 482-492.


Leroy, F., Cai, Q., Bogart, S., Dubois, J., Coulon, O., Monzalvo, K., Fischer, C., Glasel, H., Van der Haegen, L., Benezit, A., Lin, C.P., Kennedy, D., Ihara, A.S., Hertz-Pannier, L., Moutard, M.L., Poupon, C., Brysbaert, M., Roberts, N., Hopkins, W., Mangin, J.F., Dehaene-Lambertz, G. (2015) New human-specific brain landmark: The depth asymmetry of superior temporal sulcus. Proc Natl Acad Sci 112(4): 1208-1213.  


Cai, Q.*, and Van der Haegen, L. (2015). What can atypical language hemispheric specialization tell us about cognitive functions? Neurosci Bull 31(2): 220-226.


Van der Haegen, L., Cai, Q., Stevens, M.A., and Brysbaert, M. (2013). Interhemispheric communication influences reading behavior. J Cogn Neurosci25(9): 1442-1452.


Greve, D.N., Van der Haegen, L., Cai, Q., Stufflebeam, S., Sabuncu, M.R., Fischl, B., and Brysbaert, M. (2013) A surface-based analysis of language lateralization and cortical asymmetry. J Cogn Neurosci 25(9): 1477-1492.

Cai, Q.*, Van der Haegen , L., and Brysbaert, M. (2013). Complementary hemispheric specialization for language production and visuospatial attention. Proc Natl Acad Sci 110(4): E322-330.


Vingerhoets, G., Alderweireldt, A.S., Vandemaele, P., Cai, Q., Van der Haegen, L., Brysbaert, M., and Achten, E. (2013). Praxis and language are linked: Evidence from co-lateralization in individuals with atypical language dominance. Cortex 49(1): 172-183.


Van der Haegen , L., Cai, Q., and Brysbaert, M. (2012). Colateralization of Broca’s area and the visual word form area in left-handers: fMRI evidence. Brain Lang 122(3): 171-178.


Brysbaert, M., Cai, Q., and Van der Haegen, L. (2012). Brain asymmetry and visual word recognition: Do we have a split fovea? In J. Adelman (Ed.): Visual Word Recognition, Volume 1: Models and Methods, Orthography and Phonology. Hove, UK: Psychology Press.


Van der Haegen, L., Cai, Q., Seurinck, R., and Brysbaert, M. (2011). Further fMRI validation of the visual half field technique as an indicator of language laterality: A large-group analysis. Neuropsychologia49: 2879-2888.


Cai, Q.*, and Brysbaert, M. (2010).SUBTLEX-CH: Chinese word and character frequencies based on film subtitles. PLoS One5(6): e10729. (Online search: http://crr.ugent.be/isubtlex_ch/)


Cai, Q.*, Paulignan, Y., Brysbaert, M., Ibarrola, D., and Nazir, T.A. (2010). The left ventral occipito-temporal response to words depends on language lateralization but not on visual familiarity. Cereb Cortex 20: 1153–1163.

Rosazza, C., Cai, Q., Minati, L., Paulignan, Y., and Nazir, T.A. (2009). Early involvement of dorsal and ventral pathways in visual word recognition: An ERP study. Brain Res1272: 32-44.


Cai, Q.*, Lavidor, M., Brysbaert, M., Paulignan, Y., and Nazir, T. A. (2008). Cerebral lateralization of frontal lobe language processes and lateralization of the posterior visual word processing system. J Cogn Neurosci 20: 672-681.


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