

法国里昂大学神经科学研究中心(Lyon Neurosciences Research Center)的Remi GERVAIS 教授将于2012年11月28日(下周三)上午9:00am-10:00am作题为“Plasticity of olfactory cortical representation according to experience and cognitive processes in Rodent and Human”的学术报告🚣🏼,欢迎大家参加🫐。
Rémi Gervais, Professor, Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CRNL) INSERM, CNRS, University of Lyon;
Head of the Group: Olfaction: from coding to memory;
Deputy Director of Lyon Neurosciences Research Center;
Director of the Doctorate school “Neurosciences & Cognitive sciences”
The mammalian olfactory system offers a unique model to investigate how learning and memory modulate neural representation of the external world. We have recently investigated this question both in Rodent and in Human.
In rats, experiments were based on multi-sites neuronal recordings in behaving animal performing a discriminative olfactory task. We observed that level of performance was correlated to important changes in oscillatory odor-induced activity in the olfactory bulb, piriform cortex and associative areas.
In Human, experiments were done with fMRI technique. In experts perfumers having 20 to 35 year experience, we observed clear-cut changes in neural representation of odors particularly during mental imagery at the level of piriform cortex, hippocampus and orbito-frontal cortex. As a whole, we suggest that olfactory learning induces important long lasting changes in neural representation of odors not only in well known “memory structures” such as hippocampus and neocortical areas but also in early stage of processing, namely the olfactory bulb and the piriform cortex.

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